
Celebrating Nowruz, the Persian New Year
March 20, 2019 6:30 - 8:30 PM Alpine Village Clubhouse $46, a Cabin Fever Event. Register here. with Thea Belecz Nowruz or New Day has...

The Trouble with Justice
Appreciating the Western in film and TV March 7, 2019 McCall Public Library 6:30 - 8:30 pm A Cabin Fever Series, $26. Registration here....

Exploring the Enneagram
What are you? Come learn more! February 19, 2019 6:00 - 8:00 pm Pilgrim’s Cove Camp and Conference Center A FREE Cabin Fever Event,...

Your Motivational Mindset
Find Your Fit The Mind-Body Connection Cascade Aquatic & Recreation Center NEW DATE Monday 18 February 6:30-7:30 pm When you hear...

Restoration and Healing, a Fall Meditation Retreat
October 26 - 28, 2018 Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, ID with Tracey Kindall The longer nights of autumn slow our natural rhythms and invite us to...

My Commitments to Play and Joy
I acknowledge play as restoration and healthy. I commit to enthusiasm and inspiration as daily requirements. From enthous~ inspired by...

Harvest Moon, Starlight, and River Flow! Bridge Dancing
Saturday 22 September 2018 Cow Creek Bridge, Lucile, ID 8:30 - 9:30 pm Free A 94% full lantern over the canyon invites us to the bridge...

The Spirited Herbalist, Brewing Sacred Beer
Saturday 22 September 2018 Mavens' Haven, Lucile, ID 2:00 - 5:00 pm $40 or $60 with bottle capper In ancient cultures, the medicine woman...

August Full Moon Garden Dinner
Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, ID August 25, 2018 $50 inclusive Presented with Darcy Williamson Come celebrate the bounty of summer! Guests are...

Play and Living with Joy as Spiritual Practice
UCC Women’s Camp Pilgrim’s Cove Camp and Conference Center, McCall, ID August 8, 2018 After Dinner Keynote and Activity 7 - 8:30 pm How...

Spring Meditation Retreat
May 18 - 20, 2018 Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, ID Presented by Renée Silvus, Luminaire Spring in the Salmon River Canyon invites us to...

Full Moon Creativity Retreat
Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, Idaho April 27-29, 2018 Presented by Renée Silvus, Luminaire Mediterranean Cuisine by Eva Samaha Bring yourself and...

Live Like Thoreau, Guided Walking and Writing
Happy 200th Birthday, Henry. April 18, 2018 5:30 - 7:30pm Pilgrim Cove Camp and Conference Center A MAHC Cabin Fever Event, $20...

Live Like Thoreau. Yogic Influences
Happy 200th Birthday, Henry. March 8, 2018 6:00 - 8:00 pm The Barn Owl Bookstore, in Alpine Village, McCall, ID a MAHC Cabin Fever...

Happy 200 Birthday, Thoreau. Getting to Know Henry, an Interactive Slide Show
February 8, 2018 6:30 ~ 8:00 pm McCall Public Library A MAHC Cabin Fever Event, $5 Donation Come meet the Thoreau You Don't Know, the guy...

Brewing Medicinal Beer
Saturday, September 23, 2017 2:00-5:00 p.m. Fall Herbal Equinox Gathering Mavens' Haven, Lucile Fee $40/ $60 includes a bottle capper...

Moving into Meditation
Wednesdays Through September 20, 2017 5:30-6:45 pm Shanti Yoga Studio, McCall, Idaho Asana, Guided Relaxation, Meditation Feel your body,...

Silent Meditation Retreat
Mavens’ Haven Lucile, ID June 2-5, 2017 $260 Let the fullness and warmth of spring hold you in silence for two entire days. To meditate is...

Spring Meditation Retreat
May 5~7, 2017 Presented by Renée Silvus, M.A., Luminaire Co-facilitation with Charlotte Dietz The beautiful spring in Lucile invites us to...

Your Hero(ine)’s Journey
FULL. Please have a look at our other spring offerings. Weekend Retreat April 7-9, 2017 Mavens’ Haven in Lucile, ID $175 plus lodging...

Would you like help understanding current events? Communicating with different world views? Could you use some positive inspiration and...

Hero(ine)’s Journey
Evening Slideshow & Discussion Monday, March 13 Functional Medicine of Idaho, 3858 N Garden Center Way # 100, Boise, ID...

The Transcendental Fireplace
a 2017 Cabin Fever Series March 23, Walt Whitman (January 17, Ralph Waldo Emerson February 13, Henry David Thoreau) Hotel McCall Library,...

Sacred Journey, a Travelogue on Delhi and Rishikesh, India
March 17, 2017 Mavens' Haven in Lucile 6:30-8:00 pm November 10, 2016 McCall Public Library 7- 8:30 pm November 15, 2016 Beverly, Ohio...

30 practices, 30 days
Receive a daily practice by email and Facebook. Throughout January. Everyone invited. Register now, program begins January 1, 2017...

Fall Meditation Retreat
October 14-16, 2016 Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, ID Presented by Renée Silvus, M.A., Luminaire Co-facilitation with Charlotte Dietz...

Sunset Moonrise Dance Party
Tuesday, August 16, 2016 McCall Sheep Bridge 7:30-9:00 pm Moonrise 7:40 pm Sunset 8:46 pm Come celebrate the August Sturgeon Moonrise and...

The Divine Feminine
A Summer Solstice Celebration June 17 ~ 19, 2016 Integrating the Sacred in a community of intentional sisterhood. Mavens’ Haven in Lucile,...

Meditation Retreat
May 13~15, 2016 Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, ID This event now has a waiting list~ please email Renee at [email protected]. You can also...

Effective Communication and Relationship Building Skills, Level 1
Facilitated by Jenny Harps, M.A., Awake & Aware Mondays, February 8 ~ March 7, 2016 5:30-8:30 pm Granite-Boulder Room, St. Luke’s...

Guided Restorative Meditation
February 5, 2016~ Courage and Living from the Heart Shanti Yoga Studio, 5:30-6:30 pm I'm dedicating January and February to Courage and...

Adventures in Spirit, Whiskey-Tasting
Yes, we WERE Sold Out, then decided to move the party into the big room! Thursday, February 4 Foresters Club, McCall 5:30-7:30 pm $40...

Open Dancing
January 22 and February 19, 2016 Shanti Yoga McCall 6:30-8 pm $10 adult $5 children under 12 Children under 6 free Included in Shanti...

The Trouble with Justice, an Exploration of the Western Film
Tuesdays January 26, Part 1 February 2, Part 1 Reprise February 9, Part 2 McCall Public Library 6:30-8:30 pm A Cabin Fever Series,...

Exploring Your Life Adventure, Perspectives from the Hero’s Journey
An Interactive Slideshow with Mythology, Art, Literature & Film Sunday, January 24, 2016 McCall, Idaho Public Library 2 - 6 pm A Cabin...

Exploring Meditation
Mondays, January 11, 18, & 25 Shanti Yoga McCall 5:30-6:30 pm $35 for series Studio membership 15% discount Improve your focus and...

Soul Traditions~ All Hallows’ Eve and All Saints’ Day, Samhain
October 31 & November 1, 2015 A Weekend Celebration Mavens’ Haven in Lucile, Idaho Presented by Darcy Williamson, From the Forest...

The Creative Process, a seven-week community class
Tuesdays, October 6 ~ November 17 5:15-7:15 pm, Revolving Locations Registration $125 Early Bird $105 by September 30 Educator CEU through...

Meditation Retreat
October 16 ~ 18, 2015 Mavens’ Haven, Lucile, ID The arrival of fall and slowing down invite us to contemplation. Join us for a weekend of...

Weekend Escape~Relax & Restore
A Personal Retreat September 25-28, 2015 Mavens’ Haven in Lucile, Idaho Wind down from summer. Soak up the warm fall sunshine. Give...
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