Good Enough
I’ve been sitting on a fairly completed manuscript about Walden for weeks, probably longer. I keep telling myself the yoga introduction...
Mental Looping, Anyone?
I’m not a fighter. During conflict or tension, my default is to silently process, not speak up, let things slide. I’m trying to stay safe...
The Excellence Trap
Admit it, you know you’re good at a lot of things. You do them every day on auto-pilot—making decisions on the fly, helping someone learn...
Dispatch from the Monastery—Getting Disoriented
Those of you who have seen me around food know there’s a little weirdness. I obsess over vegetable representation, scrape pots and bowls...
When Generosity Ripples, Step In and Up
The thoughtful K gifted me with a few days at St. Gertrude's Monastery in Cottonwood, Idaho. Built in the 1920’s, the monastery sits on...
Be NOSI with Yourself
On a recent stay with my 86-year-old dad in Ohio, I got to practice checking my impatience and slowing down. Dad loves “visiting,” which...
Let’s Do This
Mid-February is a mixed-up time in the mountains—the sun is higher and the snow melting. Then more snow arrives and the wind heaves it all...
A Healing Crisis
You last saw me rambling here about "Right Action" and what it means to do your job skillfully, selflessly, and cheerfully. I fully...
Sitting Under Water
One of my pilgrimage destinations In India this fall was to Vasudhara Falls, a 400 foot waterfall feeding the Alaknanda River above...
Dispatch from India~ the Gifts of Surrender
Before my departure, I had a turbo visit with my spiritual directors, R and K. They were committed to family in McCall and my schedule was...
Need a Time Out?
I’d love to know your initial response to that question. Time Out? Did I do something? Am I being sent to the corner, or my room? OR Time...
Those Things That Support You
I’ve been hearing about the impacts of the last two years, mostly from educators—the exhaustion, lowered expectations, and mental health...
Include and Transcend : Regret
For months I paid my email platform to send newsletters I never wrote. Every time the monthly receipt arrived, “Darn, here it is again...”...
Practicing Generosity
This summer I’ve found myself exploring the practice of generosity. How do we cultivate feeling generous and make it the default instead...
Solutions for Depletion
Seventeen years of teaching high school made me a expert on this. The slide into exhaustion was part of the gig. However, being totally...
The Power of Libraries
I’m going to confess my love affair to you. It’s been going on for years, and I don’t imagine it ending. I love libraries. Stately...
Returning to the World During the Pandemic
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet / confinement of your aloneness / to learn / anything or anyone / that does not bring you alive...
Your Self Care
Begin with you. You’re invited, and bring your friends. If you could have one beautiful thing happen tomorrow, it would be~ For what are...
Work, Flow, and Ease
I finally accepted the rhythm of winter, pandemic, and how to pace myself. In other words, slow and easy might be OK. I was doing a long...
Transcending Losing
I just realized why I appreciated The Queen’s Gambit so much. There are plenty of reasons to like this Netflix series. The thing present...
Inspiration and Structures
I’ve been waiting for an inspiring topic to share with you, and apparently my brain still thinks it’s summer. So my inspiring topic is...
Who Do You Want to Be?
I had a conversation recently about that tricky situation where you want to speak up, and you hesitate. Maybe there’s a ‘superior’ or...
Feeling Overwhelmed? The Solution is in You
I recently did a Google search on Covid and mental health. Turns out more people are suffering from mental stress than from the actual...
Imperfect? Welcome to the Party
A coaching client fired me last week for not listening enough and for being more ‘instructive’ than curious, and a colleague blasted me...
What do you Believe?
A few years ago a friend asked me a Rabbit Hole Question, What do you believe in? I hesitated. Because saying, offering, committing to a...
The Return, Some Deeper Wisdom
Consider the Returns you’ve made in life. Coming back home after the first year of college. Going back to that favorite vacation spot....
Expectations of Yourself
I recently learned about an interesting outcome from Hurricane Katrina. Remember, folks lost their jobs and got displaced in many ways....
Returning to the World, Iteration and Transition
Let’s bring some light to this theme of Return. Of course we aren’t ready, and we may get sent to our bedrooms or corners again. First,...
Are We Ready to Return to the World?
I sat down to write about The Return—ways to understand going back into the world. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks and got a little...
Friendship, Suspicion and Paradox in the Time of Growing Up
Not only are we uncertain about What’s Next, we’re in a weird stew of suspicion. I stood in the grocery two carts away from TB who chatted...
It’s OK to Feel Exactly That
I’ve been feeling a range of sad, hopeful, and energized to dive into service. This morning I was feeling sad about all the empty concert...
Feeding the Wolves
Remember that Cherokee story? About which wolf do we feed—the one below the line—reactive, suspicious, fearful, defensive, resistance. Or...
What Now? Uncertainty, Fear and Self-Care
First, acknowledge your uncertainty and fear. Consider fear as a cycle of energy you can move, rather than a static place to remain. Here...
Your Story Requires the Presence of Another
This story begins with a request. Actually, that isn’t quite true. This story begins with a relationship. Um…nope. Try again. This story...
Threshold Rituals
How do we finish something that could go on and on? Artists have a solution. There can always be more brush stokes, words, rehearsals, and...
Going to the Moon and Recreation Districts
I have a working premise that anything can be understood with an evolutionary lens. It helps sometimes, like appreciating the resurgence...
You know how sometimes you start something, then end up wishing you had done it differently? Like inviting people to a fancy dinner party...
Tat Tvam Asi. Thou art that.
Thank you for joining this experiment in generating more conscious community. Experiment because we'll shape and iterate this together....
Your Story, the One Lurking Underneath
There’s your Life Story, the How I Got Here. It’s usually interesting enough, and…there’s another one. The one underneath guiding...
Getting Motivated
Something Very Unusual happened when I was hunkered into my little desert retreat. I knew it was possible to piddle away the time,...
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