
Wobbly Equanimity

Wobbly Equanimity

The scientists came on retreat recently. I get to work with this brilliant cohort of researchers, educators, and physicians from all over...

Good Enough

Good Enough

I’ve been sitting on a fairly completed manuscript about Walden for weeks, probably longer. I keep telling myself the yoga introduction...

Mental Looping, Anyone?

Mental Looping, Anyone?

I’m not a fighter. During conflict or tension, my default is to silently process, not speak up, let things slide. I’m trying to stay safe...

The Excellence Trap

The Excellence Trap

Admit it, you know you’re good at a lot of things. You do them every day on auto-pilot—making decisions on the fly, helping someone learn...

Be NOSI with Yourself

Be NOSI with Yourself

On a recent stay with my 86-year-old dad in Ohio, I got to practice checking my impatience and slowing down. Dad loves “visiting,” which...

Let’s Do This

Let’s Do This

Mid-February is a mixed-up time in the mountains—the sun is higher and the snow melting. Then more snow arrives and the wind heaves it all...

A Healing Crisis

A Healing Crisis

You last saw me rambling here about "Right Action" and what it means to do your job skillfully, selflessly, and cheerfully. I fully...

Sitting Under Water

Sitting Under Water

One of my pilgrimage destinations In India this fall was to Vasudhara Falls, a 400 foot waterfall feeding the Alaknanda River above...

Need a Time Out?

Need a Time Out?

I’d love to know your initial response to that question. Time Out? Did I do something? Am I being sent to the corner, or my room? OR Time...

Practicing Generosity

Practicing Generosity

This summer I’ve found myself exploring the practice of generosity. How do we cultivate feeling generous and make it the default instead...

Solutions for Depletion

Solutions for Depletion

Seventeen years of teaching high school made me a expert on this. The slide into exhaustion was part of the gig. However, being totally...

The Power of Libraries

The Power of Libraries

I’m going to confess my love affair to you. It’s been going on for years, and I don’t imagine it ending. I love libraries. Stately...

Your Self Care

Your Self Care

Begin with you. You’re invited, and bring your friends. If you could have one beautiful thing happen tomorrow, it would be~ For what are...

Work, Flow, and Ease

Work, Flow, and Ease

I finally accepted the rhythm of winter, pandemic, and how to pace myself. In other words, slow and easy might be OK. I was doing a long...

Transcending Losing

Transcending Losing

I just realized why I appreciated The Queen’s Gambit so much. There are plenty of reasons to like this Netflix series. The thing present...

Inspiration and Structures

Inspiration and Structures

I’ve been waiting for an inspiring topic to share with you, and apparently my brain still thinks it’s summer. So my inspiring topic is...

Who Do You Want to Be?

Who Do You Want to Be?

I had a conversation recently about that tricky situation where you want to speak up, and you hesitate. Maybe there’s a ‘superior’ or...

What do you Believe?

What do you Believe?

A few years ago a friend asked me a Rabbit Hole Question, What do you believe in?  I hesitated. Because saying, offering, committing to a...

Feeding the Wolves

Feeding the Wolves

Remember that Cherokee story? About which wolf do we feed—the one below the line—reactive, suspicious, fearful, defensive, resistance. Or...

Threshold Rituals

Threshold Rituals

How do we finish something that could go on and on? Artists have a solution. There can always be more brush stokes, words, rehearsals, and...



You know how sometimes you start something, then end up wishing you had done it differently? Like inviting people to a fancy dinner party...


Contact me today

Let’s see how we can work together and create a lasting experience.

(208) 630-4913[email protected]