
Creativity Tip~ Movement

Creativity Tip~ Movement

This is a Big One.  It keeps coming up in my research through different disciplines and terminologies.   Basically, everyone agrees that...

Darkness Wisdom

Darkness Wisdom

“The night will give you a horizon further than you can see.”  David Whyte As our hemisphere tilts a little more deeply into darkness,...

Better Than Expected

Better Than Expected

I held my first solo retreat this weekend at the Haven.  I figured I could do it, and I had the Supreme Back-up of Darcy preparing meals. ...

Reframing “Busy”

Reframing “Busy”

"So, are you busy?" is the social sleepwalking question of the current milieu.  We're all 'busy' with Something, so let's agree to drop...

Easy Wild Foods

Easy Wild Foods

If you are only looking for Morels, you're missing out on easier to find edibles! Here is a recent forest haul, clockwise from Morels at...

Nettles?  Like STINGING?

Nettles? Like STINGING?

I wanted to find easily accessible Nettles for my Spring Cleaning Special.  I tromped up a logging road near Lick Creek Road and easily...

Sweet Potato Desserts

Sweet Potato Desserts

I've been making Sweet Potato Pie for dinner parties lately, and no one knows they are sugar, gluten, and dairy-free!   There are no ...

November Blessings

November is a mixed bag when you live in McCall.  The days lean to grayness and business slows waaay down.  I get to rest a little and...

Pumpkin Meditation

Who doesn’t love pumpkins~mysteriously grown in a ‘patch’ of all things, loudly orange, laden with our associations of Halloween...

Using Tomatillos

Using Tomatillos

I love Tomatillos.  First of all, they are beautiful, dangling like little garden lanterns.  They have attempted to take over the Mavens’...

Pulse from the Heart

My grandma had an extraordinary gift.  She could say a prayer on the spot~ heartfelt, eloquent, in front of dozens of people.  Not me.  By...


What does it mean when we have grace, receive grace, or give grace?  Grace has been a regular guest lately.  It came up in a meditation...


Contact me today

Let’s see how we can work together and create a lasting experience.

(208) 630-4913[email protected]