This is a bottom-line tool in problem-solving.  A Reframe is simply finding another way to see a situation.  Often it simply involves changing your language.

For example, Buttercup says,  I can’t go to that party.  I’m too tired and there will be annoying people there.

I can’t go…. As we know from Nonviolent Communication, using ‘can’t’ in this way denies ownership of agency, volition, and power.  She chooses not to go.  I’m not going to that party. 

I’m too tired.  We don’t care how tired she is.  She can keep her excuses to herself.  She may keep her power by stating this as an unarguable fact and not a complaint.

There will be annoying people.  Judgment and arguable.  I feel annoyed when I’m around some of those people. 

Quite often a Reframe is being a little more honest about what you want, how you feel, and owning your power.  

How is this about creativity?  Often just a simple redirection in language and attitude can offer a new perspective.  Create a least one new Reframe this week and tell us about it here!