
My grandma had an extraordinary gift.  She could say a prayer on the spot~ heartfelt, eloquent, in front of dozens of people.  Not me.  By the time I’ve put together a meal, I’m usually too hungry to wait.

Enter more lessons in mold recovery.

My nutritionist Skip suggested I start taking my pulse before eating.  It’s a very simple way to test for food sensitivity~ if your pulse goes up by 10 beats a minute after a meal, your system is working too hard.

Taking my pulse was just the doorway.  It was already high when I SAT DOWN to eat.  I’m usually rushing around the kitchen, my office, or the Haven.  Does it really matter WHAT I eat if I’m not ready to digest my food?

So, I sat there.  In front of my meals.  Waiting for a slower pulse.  Taking Big Breaths.  Oh.  This is where people say prayers.

I thought out my thanks, or read some nice ones in Earth Prayers, and checked my pulse again.  Usually it went down, sometimes it didn’t.  Then something else happened while I sat there with full cooling bowls.  I realized I’ve spent a lifetime with prayers in my head and hunger in my belly.  The place in the middle was often left out.

I started to pray with my heart.  What’s the point in gratitude if you don’t FEEL it?  I’d start by thinking of people I love.  Or I’d look at the trees, river, grass, birds, mountain, and my FOOD and feel into all that abundance.  I eat most of my meals beside two rivers, in utter safety and pure beauty.  I have access to a garden, forest, farmer’s market, stores, and wholesale delivery.  Wow.

I’m learning to slow down, from the kitchen outwards.  Thank you, grandma.  May I walk in your grace, be warmed by your light, take nothing for granted, and receive with my heart.