A Spring Retreat on The Return and Self-Care
Mavens’ Haven
April 30 – May 2
Sliding scale suggested contribution, meals included
$100 – $150 / night private
$75 – $125 / night shared or camping
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet / confinement of your aloneness / to learn / anything or anyone / that does not bring you alive / is too small for you.
David Whyte, Sweet Darkness
As we lean into the return to work, travel, and more people—we have deep guidance from the wisdom of the Hero(ine)’s Journey. This is the last part of the cycle, where the hero(ine) integrates lessons learned in the journey and somehow steps into the next phase of life, leverages more power, or even goes back home.
The world of scientific research also knows how the final 25% of any research project is the hardest. As we recognize and honor these patterns, we can find permission and compassion.
I’ve been studying and creating material on the Hero(ine)’s Journey for many years. Currently I’m refining the material and creating the following:
- New slideshows on each phase of the Hero(ine)’s Journey
- A slideshow on the Pandemic as the Hero(ine)’s Journey
- General Solutions to Problems in the Return
- Specific Strategies for Before and During the Return
- Specific Strategies for During and After the Return
- A series of blogs to help people, specifically with the Return
- Support for Self Care
- A course on Udemy
I’m going to condense this all down into manageable, optional chunks for this weekend.
We’ll structure this weekend differently from past retreats to accommodate your needs as much as possible. You are invited to arrive and depart at your leisure, creating an open, fluid weekend.
My proposed structure per your specific requests so far—more are certainly welcome.
Friday night
Arrive any time for light dinner on buffet.
Settle in, walk, enjoy the Haven.
9:00 – 9:30 pm restorative asana and shavasana before bed
Sleep in or
8:00 – 9:00 easy asana practice
9:00 – 10:00 am Breakfast on buffet
11:00 – 1:00 Hike Cow Creek Trail
1:30 Lunch
2:00 nap, read, hang out
5:00 conversation on the Return
6:00 restorative asana practice
7:00 Dinner
8:00 movie, sauna, or just be outside
Sleep in or
8:00 – 9:00 easy asana practice
9:00 – 10:00 am Breakfast on buffet
10:30 – 11:30 conversation on self care, kindness, setting up a routine for success
11:30 hike, nap, hang out
1:30 Lunch
2:00 hike, nap, hang out
7:00 Dinner
8:00 movie, sauna, or just be outside
Optional Monday
Breakfast on your own.
For this weekend, we might arrive with a sense of uncertainty—how will we do this? Will we have to sit apart still? April and May in Lucile are entirely doable outside. It might be windy and cool, it might be warm and sunny. One thing is certain—spring at the Haven. The trees will be green, the flowers blooming, and the things you love will be there.
As we draw closer, we’ll determine how to safely run the retreat. We may have to cap it at a smaller number than usual. If you know you’re coming, best to reply soon and reserve your favorite bed.
The weekend will be nourished by simple, homemade meals using the garden, pantry. and 7U Ranch in Lucile.
Retreat fee includes all meals Friday dinner through Monday breakfast.
To register, copy/paste the following and send to [email protected].
Emerging Retreat Registration Form
Which Weekend are you attending:
Accommodation first choice:
Second choice:
Date range you wish to reserve your bed: W
Dietary requests and restrictions:
Questions and general requests:
To hold your accommodation, please send a $50 deposit to:
Renee Silvus, PO Box 2115, McCall, 83638
here to transfer on Venmo
Or drop at Renée’s office at Community Hub McCall, 114 N.Third Street, McCall, ID.

Renée brings a blend of perspectives as an educator, therapist, and coach. She offers courses, retreats, community-building events and celebrations. Her facilitator training is with Authentic World San Francisco and the Integral Center Boulder, bringing an Integral lens to any topic. Her yoga teacher training and lineage are with the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition. 2021 brings her eighth year of offering retreats at the Haven and a return trip to India in September for a trekking and pilgrimage excursion.