The Power of Libraries

The Power of Libraries

I’m going to confess my love affair to you. It’s been going on for years, and I don’t imagine it ending. I love libraries. Stately architecture that takes me somewhere larger than myself. The invitation to hush, respect, and knowledge. Librarians who know where to...
Returning to the World During the Pandemic

Returning to the World During the Pandemic

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet / confinement of your aloneness / to learn / anything or anyone / that does not bring you alive / is too small for you. David Whyte, Sweet Darkness If you prefer, watch my little video on The Return here. Characteristics of...
Your Self Care

Your Self Care

Begin with you. You’re invited, and bring your friends. If you could have one beautiful thing happen tomorrow, it would be~ For what are you longing~ Consider your requirements to feel happy, healthy, and strong. Caring for you is not selfish. It’s a necessity. It is...
Work, Flow, and Ease

Work, Flow, and Ease

I finally accepted the rhythm of winter, pandemic, and how to pace myself. In other words, slow and easy might be OK. I was doing a long morning fast, so I prolonged morning practices to stretch the time. It felt nourishing and peaceful. Hmm. Then I went to the gym...
Transcending Losing

Transcending Losing

I just realized why I appreciated The Queen’s Gambit so much. There are plenty of reasons to like this Netflix series. The thing present for me now is that it shows us how to lose. Apparently, we need reminded. The story is about a young woman learning to grow up and...
Inspiration and Structures

Inspiration and Structures

I’ve been waiting for an inspiring topic to share with you, and apparently my brain still thinks it’s summer. So my inspiring topic is that it’s OK not to feel inspired. Instead of receiving internal sparks, I’m inspired now by the incredible array of art in the...