Sitting Under Water

Sitting Under Water

One of my pilgrimage destinations In India this fall was to Vasudhara Falls, a 400 foot waterfall feeding the Alaknanda River above Badrinath, in Uttarakhand, India. The Alaknanda and the Bhagirathi rivers are source streams of the Ganges. After seeing countless tall...
Dispatch from India~ the Gifts of Surrender

Dispatch from India~ the Gifts of Surrender

Before my departure, I had a turbo visit with my spiritual directors, R and K. They were committed to family in McCall and my schedule was nuts, so we supercharged a 40 minute walk on the edge of Ponderosa Park to understand this trip. I told them how easily...
Need a Time Out?

Need a Time Out?

I’d love to know your initial response to that question. Time Out? Did I do something? Am I being sent to the corner, or my room? OR Time Out? Ooo…a little break. An afternoon off. Even better, a week or entire month. How does that sound? Luxurious or irresponsible?...
Those Things That Support You

Those Things That Support You

I’ve been hearing about the impacts of the last two years, mostly from educators—the exhaustion, lowered expectations, and mental health of students and teachers. Basic structures we took for granted have been impacted. There is reduced initiative, motivation, and...
Include and Transcend : Regret

Include and Transcend : Regret

For months I paid my email platform to send newsletters I never wrote. Every time the monthly receipt arrived, “Darn, here it is again…” My friend Jim P. continued to send pictures of his personal Walden project and ask about my next newsletter. I’d promise to...
Practicing Generosity

Practicing Generosity

This summer I’ve found myself exploring the practice of generosity. How do we cultivate feeling generous and make it the default instead of scarcity. It’s way more interesting and joyful. When does simple giving become generosity? Is it when you give more than...