Making Divine Requests~ Look Out!

Making Divine Requests~ Look Out!

It’s no secret about my car. Maybe you’ve watched it falling apart and wondered when I’ll upgrade to this century. With 15 years, it’s one of my last attachments and longest relationships. I know it has to go, just not now, or now, or now. It just…stopped running....
Why meditate, one reason no one talks about….

Why meditate, one reason no one talks about….

It’s a bit trendy these days. Something about needing to slow down, taking a break from all the media, getting quiet. Anyone remember long afternoons outside just…being outside? Somewhere along the way Busy took over. Returning to quiet and stillness might be the best...
Courage and Right Action

Courage and Right Action

When Jenny’n Todd and I met for our annual new year’s dinner and “What do you want for this year,” I fumbled.  Last year’s wish of “I just want to be surprised” happened alright, in Spades.  All is well now~ feeling settled, light and content again. When...
Living with Courage

Living with Courage

Are you going alone?  Do you have good tires?  Is your mom worried?  Can you speak the language?  Call me when you get there?  Do you have a CB radio? Yup yup yup. I did have a CB radio in my fiesty little VW Fox from Ohio to California. My...
My Big DUH Moment

My Big DUH Moment

You know how you shake the snow globe and wait for it all to settle?  Sometimes it takes forever and you shake it again hoping it will settle faster. After my health finally stabilized from the mold exposure and I lost my kitties and any semblance of a personal...
Finding the Way Home

Finding the Way Home

When I had to get home a fortnight ago for my sister’s death, the journey alone became a mini-epic. Planes are full these days, so the airline was scanning for bump volunteers.  I wasn’t in a hurry, probably the first time ever.  I said yes and texted a...