I Wasn’t Exactly Homeless…

I Wasn’t Exactly Homeless…

…because I have a car, office and sheep wagon.  Fortunately I never needed to sleep in the first two. All summer I stashed stuff in all three places, hoping no one would notice.  Oh look, Renee’s clothes are hanging in her car again, she must be...
Wanting Things to Be Different

Wanting Things to Be Different

Boy Howdy, this is a tough one. I’ve been tracking myself for a few weeks, noticing how this desire throws me out of equilibrium. We can spend a whole day doing this. A lighter schedule. I wish had more time to….  A relationship to have more serenity. A job less...
It may not matter what you do…just show up.

It may not matter what you do…just show up.

When I made the Luminaire video last year, the brief narrative arrived easily.  This line was the only one I spoke directly to the camera. I didn’t really understand why.  I’d never said or written it before, and it felt a little edgy—it doesn’t...
India Takeaways, Sacred Journey

India Takeaways, Sacred Journey

Don’t waste time looking at faults and “imperfections.” Appreciate the whole. Create positive, conscious neural loops or “grooves.” “Good” is just a rung on the ladder~ don’t stay there, use it to keep moving. Monitor and calibrate responses, distractions, judgments,...
In the Flow of Ease

In the Flow of Ease

I’m on day 7 of 9 where I purposefully scheduled events almost every night. Usually I’m more judicious, so this was a conscious experiment. Then the Chamber asked me to organize the Carnival parade. Sure, I can do that. Then I got snotty and coughy for 2 weeks....
Making Divine Requests~ Look Out!

Making Divine Requests~ Look Out!

It’s no secret about my car. Maybe you’ve watched it falling apart and wondered when I’ll upgrade to this century. With 15 years, it’s one of my last attachments and longest relationships. I know it has to go, just not now, or now, or now. It just…stopped running....