Adventures in Spirit House Parties

Adventures in Spirit House Parties

Give your guests something totally different. Inspire your hearts, minds, and spirits. Create deeper connections with yourselves, each other, and the stories you share. Integrate any of the following into your next house party for a beautiful, memorable afternoon or...
The Creative Process, a seven-week community class

The Creative Process, a seven-week community class

Tuesdays, October 6 ~ November 17 5:15-7:15 pm, Revolving Locations Registration $125 Early Bird $105 by September 30 Educator CEU through NNU, $60 Presented by Renée Silvus, M.A., Luminaire and McCall Community Learning Take a current or future project, life journey,...
Stress and Creativity

Stress and Creativity

What does stress have to do with creativity? Great question, since we may not initially see the connection. Stress research is very clear here~ it is not the stress that matters, it is how we respond to it.   When we experience stress, our Autonomic Nervous System...
Creativity Tip~ Movement

Creativity Tip~ Movement

This is a Big One.  It keeps coming up in my research through different disciplines and terminologies.   Basically, everyone agrees that we may cultivate insight and problem-solving within movement.  Nancy Napier of Boise State’s Centre for Creativity and...
Creativity Tip~ Fun Times with Obstacles

Creativity Tip~ Fun Times with Obstacles

We tend to think about removing a problem, like firing an ineffective employee, transferring that troublesome kid to another teacher, finding a new vendor. Using some different ways may make life more interesting. You can push through it, like water over a dam.  You...
Creativity Tool~ Reverse Thinking

Creativity Tool~ Reverse Thinking

Reverse Thinking is a Reframing method.   It’s fairly easy to employ~ just reverse your language from negative to positive. Switch complaining or scarcity into a positive expression of desire.  Don’t into do. I hate when I have a long day and you don’t start dinner. I...