Give your guests something totally different.
Inspire your hearts, minds, and spirits.
Create deeper connections with yourselves, each other, and the stories you share.

Integrate any of the following into your next house party for a beautiful, memorable afternoon or evening.

Your Life Adventure~ The Hero’s Journeyheros.png

An interactive slideshow with film clips designed exactly for your age group and interests.  We will weave together art, mythology, poetry, religious, and hero examples your group will understand and appreciate.

Read more here.

Watch my film montage here.

Exploring the Western Film

An interactive slideshow with film clips moving through the history of the western.  How is the western photo collageclassic different from the spaghetti, revisionist, and contemporary western?  How have our ethics and ideas about justice and the hero evolved?

Read more here.

Having a weekend gathering?  Get creative and choose favorite films to screen and discuss.

Heart Games

Taking parlor games into getting to know each other in new and refreshing ways. Feel more connected with your friends and family. Get curious, honest, and authentic. Learn to feel and offer appreciation and gratitude.

Exploring Meditation

Learn some simple techniques to cultivate contemplation, more connection with yourself, and a calmer reaction to the world.  Choose from a menu of practices like concentration, compassionate exchange, guided, prayer, and vipassana.

Composing Prayers

Learn different types of prayers and simple structures to write your own.  We have prayers of praise or homage, petition, gratitude, and union.  We’ll add some simple tricks from poetry to compose original and personal prayers or as a gift for others.

Dharma Discussion, Workshop, and/or Meditation

Choose from my menu of topics using our wisdom traditions, sacred texts, music, and poetry. We can create a blend of activities that suits your group.

Your Choice

Choose any combination of offerings that resonate for you. What lovely party may you offer with Renée’s support?  We can custom blend from our Adventures in Spirit toolkit to create your next beautiful party, full of Light.

Fee~ $200-$500 locally in Valley or Adams County.  Boise locations add $50 travel.

Call me today and let’s get planning!
208 ~ 634 ~ 3342
[email protected]