I thought I going to work on a book. The purple sunset desert with sunny winters has been beckoning for years, so I headed south to dive into the Thoreau Project.img-5475 I figured a few days to get oriented and tweak some business loose ends.

That took three weeks and opened completely different currents.

I know I can strike over to each of them at any time. I decided to stay in the current with the most light. At first, it was the one asking me to just write. Every day, as in pages and pages of hand-scribbled morning pages and creative visioning exercises. That led to web updates, a new weekly post, a big-gulp decision to hire tech help, and a 2 hour call where my life coach turned into an adamant business coach.

It’s when things don’t turn out that life gets interesting
. I’ve learned to appreciate this, AND even invite or expect it. Getting sick enough in India to have a whole medical adventure. An old friend rescuing me at the Denver airport. Yesterday’s flat tire resulting in stellar customer service and the nudge to take a break.

How do you know which current to ride? It depends. On how much energetic space you have. Obligations. Who’s helping. And most importantly, the excitement—which current feels inviting. Listen, and respect the messages.

Just go, even and maybe especially when you thought you were doing something else. Usually there’s initial resistance as we acclimate. Lean into it. Find the flow and some ease. If you’re feeling joy, it’s a good one.

Of course there are other ones. So what. Enjoy the one you’re in…for now.