Solutions for Depletion

Solutions for Depletion

Seventeen years of teaching high school made me a expert on this. The slide into exhaustion was part of the gig. However, being totally wiped out is not a badge of honor. If you feel resistance to that, this is for you. First, have a look at your beliefs. If you...
A Just Discovered SuperFood~ Kaniwa

A Just Discovered SuperFood~ Kaniwa

Of all places, at WINCO.  Kaniwa is a cousin of quinoa, same origination, similar nutrients, and same recipe uses.  Kaniwa actually has more protein and loads more iron than quinoa.  If you’re anemic or a vegetarian, this is for you.  You cook it like any grain~...
Surviving the Holiday Dessert Spread

Surviving the Holiday Dessert Spread

Prepare yourself first.  Just KNOW there’s going to be decadent food.  Drink plenty of water and avoid an empty stomach.  Counterintuitive?  Would you rather devour a platter of cookies? When you arrive, take a few moments to admire the spread.  A lot of work goes...
Autumn Nutrition, Metal Element

Autumn Nutrition, Metal Element

Fall is the time of drying and contraction, so we may choose and prepare food accordingly.  We also want to aim for fresh and seasonal, which means pumpkin bisque! One guideline is to concentrate energy and flavor: baking, sautés, and liquid reductions.  Emphasize...
Delicious & Healthy Pumpkin Bisque

Delicious & Healthy Pumpkin Bisque

First, roast your pumpkin.  Since they are hard to cut, you can roast your Orange Beauty whole until nice and soft.  Set it in a pan with a little water.  Or if you’re brave and watchful, you can set it right on the rack and give it a slow roast.  It will take awhile,...