Easy Wild Foods

Easy Wild Foods

If you are only looking for Morels, you’re missing out on easier to find edibles! Here is a recent forest haul, clockwise from Morels at 11:00: young Fireweed, Huckleberry leaves, Wooly Britches, Glacier Lilies, and baby Nettles.  Everything is super nutritious...
Nettles?  Like STINGING?

Nettles? Like STINGING?

I wanted to find easily accessible Nettles for my Spring Cleaning Special.  I tromped up a logging road near Lick Creek Road and easily found this Perfect Patch! I know, it’s a strange passion.  I’m not super fond of their taste.  I just enjoy that...

Strengthening Your Immune System

Other than consistently washing your hands, the trick to avoiding Winter Crud is keeping your Immune System STRONG. You want to be an inhospitable host. Some tips. First, little viral creatures feast on sugar.  Avoiding the flu may be good incentive to finally get...
Making Chicken Bone Marrow Broth

Making Chicken Bone Marrow Broth

I’m a little obsessive about making what traditional Chinese nutrition calls “Longevity Soup.”  According to Paul Pitchford in “Healing with Whole Foods” (3rd Ed. 2002), there are three Super Foods on the planet~mothers’ milk, royal jelly from bees, and bone marrow...
Using Tomatillos

Using Tomatillos

I love Tomatillos.  First of all, they are beautiful, dangling like little garden lanterns.  They have attempted to take over the Mavens’ Haven garden for two years now.  Mischievous, they sprawl over adjacent rows and reseed in quirky places. They are also abundant,...