Going to the Moon and Recreation Districts

Going to the Moon and Recreation Districts

I have a working premise that anything can be understood with an evolutionary lens. It helps sometimes, like appreciating the resurgence of moon exploration and deciding to vote for the local recreation district. Why we are motivated to explore the moon is the perfect...


You know how sometimes you start something, then end up wishing you had done it differently? Like inviting people to a fancy dinner party in the woods and belatedly realizing you didn’t think about dirty dishes. Or Halloween festivities with elaborate decorations,...
Tat Tvam Asi. Thou art that.

Tat Tvam Asi. Thou art that.

Thank you for joining this experiment in generating more conscious community. Experiment because we’ll shape and iterate this together. That’s community. First Wisdom Teaching Tat Tvam Asi. Thou art that. This is a Sanskrit epigram from the Indian scripture...
Your Story, the One Lurking Underneath

Your Story, the One Lurking Underneath

There’s your Life Story, the How I Got Here. It’s usually interesting enough, and…there’s another one.  The one underneath guiding the whole show, like an iceberg you may not see. I’ll Out mine so you know what I mean. My surface story is that I grew up in nice...
Getting Motivated

Getting Motivated

Something Very Unusual happened when I was hunkered into my little desert retreat. I knew it was possible to piddle away the time, lollygagging in the sunshine, running around to favorite haunts. So I made a resolution to stay focused, unpacked my stack of books, and...
Going for Mythic

Going for Mythic

Three years ago the London Philharmonia and Esa-Pekka Salonen produced a series on Stravinsky called Myths & Rituals. Holy Archetypes, do I fly around the world for 30 minutes of The Rite of Spring and the dynamic Esa-Pekka? I binged on Longmire to keep myself in...