Not only are we uncertain about What’s Next, we’re in a weird stew of suspicion. I stood in the grocery two carts away from TB who chatted away through her mask. One of our CUB neighbors using the business internet to school her son was accused of being open, complete...
I’ve been feeling a range of sad, hopeful, and energized to dive into service. This morning I was feeling sad about all the empty concert halls, stadiums and fields, museums, restaurants, schools…those things we do really well as humans, paused. Since I’ve been...
Remember that Cherokee story? About which wolf do we feed—the one below the line—reactive, suspicious, fearful, defensive, resistance. Or the wolf above the line—curious, optimistic, accepting, trusting. The grandfather teaches that the wolf who survives is the one we...
First, acknowledge your uncertainty and fear. Consider fear as a cycle of energy you can move, rather than a static place to remain. Here are some self-care suggestions to cycle out the fear and self-regulate your nervous system. In other words, return to calm. Move....
This story begins with a request. Actually, that isn’t quite true. This story begins with a relationship. Um…nope. Try again. This story began the day I was born. OK, that’s probably cheating. I’ll start with the first premise. Morgan asked me to share some personal...
How do we finish something that could go on and on? Artists have a solution. There can always be more brush stokes, words, rehearsals, and details, so they consciously decide something is finished. We can apply this to the end of the day when we have more to...