Little Sister with a Big Heart

Little Sister with a Big Heart

How do you tell people about a death?  I’ve had plenty of practice this year; you’d think I’d know by now.  My sister died.  Younger, ‘little’ sister. She was kind, unpretentious, had an infectious and conspiratorial giggle, and was waiting for medical discharges to...
Respecting the Edges

Respecting the Edges

Especially after moving into massage therapy, I’ve kept an eye on impressions and reputation.  “What?  You’re leaving teaching and working with your hands?”  Right.  Plus meeting people for the first time, having them remove their clothing, counting on mutual trust....


When the pieces for Luminaire began arriving last spring, I had no idea how deeply I would be asked to Lighten. I’ve always been inspired by Thoreau’s creed~ Simplicity, simplicity….keep your accounts on your thumb nail.  Even so, I collect possessions and...
What is Luminaire?

What is Luminaire?

The most consistent thing people say after working with me is, “I feel lighter.”  Last winter I studied the ocular, energetic, and spiritual understandings of light for my Guided Meditation on Illumination.  We understand light in so many beautiful ways~ coming into...
Dharma Cat Lessons

Dharma Cat Lessons

It’s been awhile since I’ve written. Life accelerated. I was warned when I had that slightly bored feeling in March. Uh Oh. Something Challenging This Way Comes. Bam. Had to move, twice. Winged to Ohio for a family emergency, twice. Threw an Elaborate...


There’s a story about St. Teresa of Avila losing her traveling supplies in a raging river.  When she went to calm down and pray, God revealed it was to show his love and friendship. She retorted, “No wonder then you don’t have many friends.” Just when life seems to...