Following the Call

Following the Call

We often say, “Just follow your intuition!”  like that’s something easy or obvious.  Maybe we recognize the feeling/intuition/hunch/whatever, and then heeding it is another thing. To work with this, let’s make it a conscious practice.  First,...
Guided Restorative Meditation

Guided Restorative Meditation

Friday, November 14  : Into the Darkness~ a conscious journey of surrendering and accepting 6:00 pm ~ 7:15 pm Yoga Tree of Boise The darkening days and the wisdom in the Inanna myth may guide us in the journey of release and recognition. You’ll simply lie still in a...
Sunset Bridge Dance

Sunset Bridge Dance

Saturday, October 4 The Friendship Bridge Julia Davis Park  <===>  BSU 7:00 pm ~  8:30 pm with Yoga Tree of Boise Free Come celebrate an Autumn Sunset with dancing and community-building. We will create a safe and respectful climate for movement.  All ages...
Idaho Health, Beauty & Fitness Fair

Idaho Health, Beauty & Fitness Fair

Saturday, October 4 10am ~ 4 pm Sunday, October 5 EXPO IDAHO at Chinden and Glenwood FREE Admission, 120 + Exhibits. Come ask questions, get a mini coaching session, and pick up some flyers and my fall/winter schedule of events. Special Bridge Dance co-sponsored with...