It’s no secret about my car. Maybe you’ve watched it falling apart and wondered when I’ll upgrade to this century. With 15 years, it’s one of my last attachments and longest relationships. I know it has to go, just not now, or now, or now. It just…stopped running....
Give your guests something totally different. Inspire your hearts, minds, and spirits. Create deeper connections with yourselves, each other, and the stories you share. Integrate any of the following into your next house party for a beautiful, memorable afternoon or...
It’s a bit trendy these days. Something about needing to slow down, taking a break from all the media, getting quiet. Anyone remember long afternoons outside just…being outside? Somewhere along the way Busy took over. Returning to quiet and stillness might be the best...
When Jenny’n Todd and I met for our annual new year’s dinner and “What do you want for this year,” I fumbled. Last year’s wish of “I just want to be surprised” happened alright, in Spades. All is well now~ feeling settled, light and content again. When...
Facilitated by Jenny Harps, M.A., Awake & Aware Mondays, February 8 ~ March 7, 2016 5:30-8:30 pm Granite-Boulder Room, St. Luke’s McCall 1.5 CEUs through BSU Center for Professional Development 1.5 CEUE 52302 through NNU Educator Credit EDPD 52319 through NNU Do...