Something Very Unusual happened when I was hunkered into my little desert retreat. I knew it was possible to piddle away the time, lollygagging in the sunshine, running around to favorite haunts. So I made a resolution to stay focused, unpacked my stack of books, and...
Three years ago the London Philharmonia and Esa-Pekka Salonen produced a series on Stravinsky called Myths & Rituals. Holy Archetypes, do I fly around the world for 30 minutes of The Rite of Spring and the dynamic Esa-Pekka? I binged on Longmire to keep myself in...
I’m fascinated by the 2007 Washington Post experiment with Joshua Bell. Of course, I’m just smittened with Bell, who is handsome, plays a mean fiddle, and is willing to goof off in Mozart in the Jungle. The Post placed Bell and his Stradivarius in a subway station to...
I thought I going to work on a book. The purple sunset desert with sunny winters has been beckoning for years, so I headed south to dive into the Thoreau Project. I figured a few days to get oriented and tweak some business loose ends. That took three weeks and opened...
Dear friends, colleagues, and neighbors~ Thank you for including me in your bright communications—I am delighted to read them and consider your offerings. Due to the preponderance of communiques with stylistic misdemeanors, I am compelled to offer my unsolicited...