Getting Motivated

Getting Motivated

Something Very Unusual happened when I was hunkered into my little desert retreat. I knew it was possible to piddle away the time, lollygagging in the sunshine, running around to favorite haunts. So I made a resolution to stay focused, unpacked my stack of books, and...
Going for Mythic

Going for Mythic

Three years ago the London Philharmonia and Esa-Pekka Salonen produced a series on Stravinsky called Myths & Rituals. Holy Archetypes, do I fly around the world for 30 minutes of The Rite of Spring and the dynamic Esa-Pekka? I binged on Longmire to keep myself in...
When You Walk By God

When You Walk By God

I’m fascinated by the 2007 Washington Post experiment with Joshua Bell. Of course, I’m just smittened with Bell, who is handsome, plays a mean fiddle, and is willing to goof off in Mozart in the Jungle. The Post placed Bell and his Stradivarius in a subway station to...
What You Think You’re Doing

What You Think You’re Doing

I thought I going to work on a book. The purple sunset desert with sunny winters has been beckoning for years, so I headed south to dive into the Thoreau Project. I figured a few days to get oriented and tweak some business loose ends. That took three weeks and opened...
Writing Style Misdemeanors

Writing Style Misdemeanors

Dear friends, colleagues, and neighbors~ Thank you for including me in your bright communications—I am delighted to read them and consider your offerings. Due to the preponderance of communiques with stylistic misdemeanors, I am compelled to offer my unsolicited...