May 2, World Labyrinth Day & May 3, Full Moon (almost). Mavens’ Haven in Lucile, ID Facilitated by Renée Silvus Retreat fee, includes facilitation and all meals $60 One Day $100 Two Days The auspicious convergence of world labyrinth day, a full moon,...
Recently when I was shy about sharing my offerings, the sweet instigator said, “Don’t hide what you can give us~ we need to know!” Here you are. 12 offerings just for sacred geometry. I can (e)mail a gift certificate for anything you want. FT = available with...
Support for Winter Many people experience dread and depression as we move into winter. Let’s shift that into calm anticipation and a cultivation of rest and rejuvenation. Winter is the time to tap into our resources, like retrieving harvests from the root cellar. We...
November 14 Yoga Tree of Boise 7:30 pm After Guided Restorative Meditation, I usually feel like dancing. So let’s do it. We’ll begin with some slow transition vibes, then speed it up a little before slowing down again. Imagine silky sacred...
Saturday, November 15 Yoga Tree of Boise 3:30 pm One of the greatest gifts we can give is to fully listen to someone. We can cultivate some skills with a few simple steps. In this class, we explore how to generate curiosity and reflection, examine how we create...
Fourth Fridays Bonus Encore Session December 5 : Rivers of Stillness, Into Winter “Water knows how to benefit from all things without striving with them…therefore, it comes near the Tao.” ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching Wisdom from Water Season teachings may...