Meditation Retreat

Meditation Retreat

May 2, World Labyrinth Day & May 3, Full Moon (almost). Mavens’ Haven in Lucile, ID Facilitated by Renée Silvus Retreat fee, includes facilitation and all meals $60 One Day $100 Two Days The auspicious convergence of world labyrinth day, a full moon,...
12 Unique Gifts & Parties

12 Unique Gifts & Parties

Recently when I was shy about sharing my offerings, the sweet instigator said, “Don’t hide what you can give us~ we need to know!”   Here you are.  12 offerings just for sacred geometry.  I can (e)mail a gift certificate for anything you want. FT = available with...
Fall Special~ Into the Darkness!

Fall Special~ Into the Darkness!

Support for Winter Many people experience dread and depression as we move into winter.  Let’s shift that into calm anticipation and a cultivation of rest and rejuvenation. Winter is the time to tap into our resources, like retrieving harvests from the root cellar.  We...
Just Dancing

Just Dancing

November 14   Yoga Tree of Boise  7:30 pm After Guided Restorative Meditation, I usually feel like dancing.  So let’s do it.  We’ll begin with some slow transition vibes, then speed it up a little before slowing down again.  Imagine silky sacred...
The Art of Listening & Appreciation

The Art of Listening & Appreciation

 Saturday, November 15  Yoga Tree of Boise   3:30 pm One of the greatest gifts we can give is to fully listen to someone.  We can cultivate some skills with a few simple steps. In this class, we explore how to generate curiosity and reflection, examine how we create...
Guided Restorative Meditation

Guided Restorative Meditation

Fourth Fridays Bonus Encore Session December 5 : Rivers of Stillness, Into Winter “Water knows how to benefit from all things without striving with them…therefore, it comes near the Tao.” ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching Wisdom from Water Season teachings may...