Who doesn’t love pumpkins~mysteriously grown in a ‘patch’ of all things, loudly orange, laden with our associations of Halloween creativity and creamy soup. For two years now the talented Marilyn has gifted Mavens’ Haven with her plump beauties for the fall...
First, roast your pumpkin. Since they are hard to cut, you can roast your Orange Beauty whole until nice and soft. Set it in a pan with a little water. Or if you’re brave and watchful, you can set it right on the rack and give it a slow roast. It will take awhile,...
I love Tomatillos. First of all, they are beautiful, dangling like little garden lanterns. They have attempted to take over the Mavens’ Haven garden for two years now. Mischievous, they sprawl over adjacent rows and reseed in quirky places. They are also abundant,...
My grandma had an extraordinary gift. She could say a prayer on the spot~ heartfelt, eloquent, in front of dozens of people. Not me. By the time I’ve put together a meal, I’m usually too hungry to wait. Enter more lessons in mold recovery. My nutritionist Skip...
What does it mean when we have grace, receive grace, or give grace? Grace has been a regular guest lately. It came up in a meditation when I was asking for a business name. Not as the name, but as a softness around letting go of my question. Ron, who composes...