I held my first solo retreat this weekend at the Haven. I figured I could do it, and I had the Supreme Back-up of Darcy preparing meals. Still. I felt the responsibility of bringing the participants deep value. Friday Night With a Plan went well. Then I realized I...
First, roast your pumpkin. Since they are hard to cut, you can roast your Orange Beauty whole until nice and soft. Set it in a pan with a little water. Or if you’re brave and watchful, you can set it right on the rack and give it a slow roast. It will take awhile,...
We often say, “Just follow your intuition!” like that’s something easy or obvious. Maybe we recognize the feeling/intuition/hunch/whatever, and then heeding it is another thing. To work with this, let’s make it a conscious practice. First,...
“So, are you busy?” is the social sleepwalking question of the current milieu. We’re all ‘busy’ with Something, so let’s agree to drop the question. Let’s also agree to drop the badge of honor: “Oh, he/she is So...
If you are only looking for Morels, you’re missing out on easier to find edibles! Here is a recent forest haul, clockwise from Morels at 11:00: young Fireweed, Huckleberry leaves, Wooly Britches, Glacier Lilies, and baby Nettles. Everything is super nutritious...
I wanted to find easily accessible Nettles for my Spring Cleaning Special. I tromped up a logging road near Lick Creek Road and easily found this Perfect Patch! I know, it’s a strange passion. I’m not super fond of their taste. I just enjoy that...