Apparently This Is Happening….

Apparently This Is Happening….

I can plan and organize ’til the cows come home.  Not that interesting of a superpower, and sometimes the cows decide to stay out.  Thousands of people, right this very moment, have their orderly lives upended by these terrifying storms. This story is...
Oh, So What.

Oh, So What.

It isn’t even a question any more.  At first, a little rude.  Abrupt.  Still, I’ve found myself saying this lately.  At first, I didn’t intend to because it is a little peremptory.  Sort of a don’t argue and get over it. THEN something...
The Wobble

The Wobble

I’ve been having a Leave the Quest Test lately.  That part in the story where someone wants to go home, like the Hobbits dreaming of second breakfast. Or when Han Solo gets fed up with young wanna-bes and takes back his ship and agency.  You know, wanting it...
Telling the Truth

Telling the Truth

I wrote about trust last as a reflection for my new program ASCEND, which is also about empowerment and truth.  Turns out I haven’t been living up to any of them. When I tell people the truth about ASCEND, their faces open with some kind of laughter.  I need...
Why I Trust You

Why I Trust You

Lately I’ve been tracking how I trust.  Wow.  We are immersed. Traveling reveals the beauty.  In the last several days, I’ve enjoyed the convenience and efficiency of using the Uber ride platform.  Bonus: interesting conversations and...
Dispatch from the Edges

Dispatch from the Edges

I’m feeling a little lost these days.  I’m usually assured about my path.  I remain assured about my purpose.  The path just got harder, and I’m uncertain about how to live my purpose now. I’m not sure which feels worse~ that my country choose someone...