It’s time to step it up. Let’s explore. Let’s ask questions, not know the answers, and enjoy the asking and being together. Let’s play, create, get messy, and discover something more about ourselves, each other, and what community means. Show up, be vulnerable, learn, and share.

Say yes to helping create conscious, active community.

You’re invited to

receive a weekly wisdom teaching.
meet monthly for in-the-moment support, talking, & listening.
attend events in McCall and at Mavens’ Haven.
ask for guidance and support on real life challenges.
meet new people and help create community.

What is a wisdom teaching?

The Golden Rule. The Creative Process. Benedictine prayer practices. The Hero’s Journey. Stoic philosophies. Buddhist practices. Yoga psychology.

A perspective that resonates with truth and has a practical use.

These teachings reveal graceful ways of being in the world, without confining us to any particular dogma. They offer those “Aha!” moments, seeing life in a new way. They reflect universal truth, so they help connect us to ourselves and each other.

Every Monday I’ll email an inspiring teaching, drawing from range of world traditions and philosophies. It’s my job to make them clear and accessible, and your adventure to find ways to use them.

The dose of wisdom is to jump start your week. Next, I will coordinate ways to meet up with each other~ to learn, socialize, play, and build community.

Meet Monthly?

We’ll meet up for breakfast, coffee, happy hour, and dinner potlucks for conversation and support. We’ll use the wisdom teachings to reframe obstacles and find new perspectives.

Live out of town? 

We’ll arrange private calls or small group video-streaming you can join online or by phone.

What kind of events?

Presentations, classes, discussions, and guest speakers
Hikes and foraging
Discussion groups
Day at Mavens’ Haven: walking, meditation, class, meal, relax, garden….

Simply ways to nourish ourselves, connect and build relationships, and support our larger community.

Luminaire events are open to everyone.  Wisdom Groupies simply make requests, help shape events, and attend for free or a reduced fee.

Click here to see upcoming live events.

Why do all this? Because it takes a Community~

to support you in your everyday journey.
to share cool things we find.
to teach each other using real life.
for you to offer your gifts.
because we are better, stronger, and more resilient that way.

This where we really feel alive. You know the feeling—when we gather for some intention that requires shared experience. A musical performance, church service, family picnic, potluck with friends, yoga class, library event, civic meeting….

When we have a sense of anticipation and show up for Something Beautiful, there’s some kind of alchemy. We transform from our solitary selves into part of something bigger and more powerful. It’s energizing, nourishing, and somehow necessary for this being human business.

It’s important that we connect with each other to repair and maintain the civil discourse, talk about what we need, exchange help, and feel like we matter and belong.

The Nitty Gritty

$21 a month brings you weekly emails, monthly support meeting, and live events. These may have an extra fee according to venue and supplies.

We will change and evolve the program as we create together. If you give it a go and decide this isn’t for you, it’s no big deal to cancel.

You never know how inspiration will arrive.
See and appreciate what is true for you.
Be the Light, and make it no big deal.
You have no choice to be you, and all the choice in the world.
Show up. Even more. Like you.

Light will someday split you open.
Even if your life is now a cage.
Little by little, You will turn into stars.


Register here–scroll to bottom.