12 Unique Gifts & Parties

12 Unique Gifts & Parties

Recently when I was shy about sharing my offerings, the sweet instigator said, “Don’t hide what you can give us~ we need to know!”   Here you are.  12 offerings just for sacred geometry.  I can (e)mail a gift certificate for anything you want. FT = available with...
Just Dancing

Just Dancing

November 14   Yoga Tree of Boise  7:30 pm After Guided Restorative Meditation, I usually feel like dancing.  So let’s do it.  We’ll begin with some slow transition vibes, then speed it up a little before slowing down again.  Imagine silky sacred...
Sunset Bridge Dance

Sunset Bridge Dance

Saturday, October 4 The Friendship Bridge Julia Davis Park  <===>  BSU 7:00 pm ~  8:30 pm with Yoga Tree of Boise Free Come celebrate an Autumn Sunset with dancing and community-building. We will create a safe and respectful climate for movement.  All ages...