A coaching client fired me last week for not listening enough and for being more ‘instructive’ than curious, and a colleague blasted me for being resistant about why I’m experiencing overactive mast cells. Boy howdy, the perfect storm for feeling reactive. So here’s...
A few years ago a friend asked me a Rabbit Hole Question, What do you believe in? I hesitated. Because saying, offering, committing to a belief is a big deal. It may attach me to something. It may define or limit me. What if something in me changes tonight to alter...
Consider the Returns you’ve made in life. Coming back home after the first year of college. Going back to that favorite vacation spot. Seeing an old friend again. Going on military leave. Walking over the home threshold after a long absence. Going back to school after...
I recently learned about an interesting outcome from Hurricane Katrina. Remember, folks lost their jobs and got displaced in many ways. They discovered this side effect of a disaster: we will probably accomplish less than we imagined. Sound familiar? Good to know it’s...
Let’s bring some light to this theme of Return. Of course we aren’t ready, and we may get sent to our bedrooms or corners again. First, let’s identify what we’re keeping. Share with others and brainstorm. Send me your list and I’ll share our collective wisdom in a...
I sat down to write about The Return—ways to understand going back into the world. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks and got a little dizzy about state restrictions easing soon. Now something else is tapping out my keyboard. It feels like we haven’t cooked enough...