Meditation Reset and Workshop

Meditation Reset and Workshop

Saturday 21 August 2021 Saturday 4 September 2021 
at Community Hub McCall, 114 N. 3rd Street 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Blending journaling and discussion workshop with meditation. All levels of experience welcome. Each Saturday is a stand-alone, separate event we will...
Practicing Generosity

Practicing Generosity

This summer I’ve found myself exploring the practice of generosity. How do we cultivate feeling generous and make it the default instead of scarcity. It’s way more interesting and joyful. When does simple giving become generosity? Is it when you give more than...
Solutions for Depletion

Solutions for Depletion

Seventeen years of teaching high school made me a expert on this. The slide into exhaustion was part of the gig. However, being totally wiped out is not a badge of honor. If you feel resistance to that, this is for you. First, have a look at your beliefs. If you...
The Power of Libraries

The Power of Libraries

I’m going to confess my love affair to you. It’s been going on for years, and I don’t imagine it ending. I love libraries. Stately architecture that takes me somewhere larger than myself. The invitation to hush, respect, and knowledge. Librarians who know where to...
Returning to the World During the Pandemic

Returning to the World During the Pandemic

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet / confinement of your aloneness / to learn / anything or anyone / that does not bring you alive / is too small for you. David Whyte, Sweet Darkness If you prefer, watch my little video on The Return here. Characteristics of...