I held my first solo retreat this weekend at the Haven. I figured I could do it, and I had the Supreme Back-up of Darcy preparing meals. Still. I felt the responsibility of bringing the participants deep value. Friday Night With a Plan went well. Then I realized I...
I hope you are enjoying the idea of 2015 as an Adventure. I love how this map includes celebration and darkness, monsters and mentors, temptations and goddesses. This helps give permission to accept ALL the messy beauty. If you missed downloading your 2015 Adventure...
Recently when I was shy about sharing my offerings, the sweet instigator said, “Don’t hide what you can give us~ we need to know!” Here you are. 12 offerings just for sacred geometry. I can (e)mail a gift certificate for anything you want. FT = available with...
Fall is the time of drying and contraction, so we may choose and prepare food accordingly. We also want to aim for fresh and seasonal, which means pumpkin bisque! One guideline is to concentrate energy and flavor: baking, sautés, and liquid reductions. Emphasize...
First, roast your pumpkin. Since they are hard to cut, you can roast your Orange Beauty whole until nice and soft. Set it in a pan with a little water. Or if you’re brave and watchful, you can set it right on the rack and give it a slow roast. It will take awhile,...