Morning Yoga Stretch, Breathe, and Flow Wednesdays and Fridays at Enliven in McCall 8:30 – 9:45 am We begin with nourishing warm-ups down on the mat before easing into core work, lunges, sun salutations, and the stronger standing postures. We’ll then...
I’m not a fighter. During conflict or tension, my default is to silently process, not speak up, let things slide. I’m trying to stay safe within all the tension. This gives me ample opportunity to mentally stew or loop. In other words, it has a downside—my peace get...
Admit it, you know you’re good at a lot of things. You do them every day on auto-pilot—making decisions on the fly, helping someone learn something, creating a delicious dinner. Zipping through a project, job, or errands because you reverse-engineered the whole gig....
Those of you who have seen me around food know there’s a little weirdness. I obsess over vegetable representation, scrape pots and bowls with spatulas, freeze anything after four days, forage for crunchy bites, and never miss a meal. Must have starved in another...