Community Hub McCallCUB Map
Collaborate, Create, Connect

A shared community space for work, meetings, events, classes, and meditation.

This is my dream project, and you are all invited.

Imagine a casual lounge work space, where we drop in to work a few hours, have a random conversation, collaborate on some cool local projects, help someone solve a problem…. The day begins and ends with some kind of meditation in a dedicated corner. Folks are coming and going for whatever they need. Then there’s an evening class, workshop, travelogue, discussion group, recital….

We have the space—let’s see what we can do with it! How can you help?

There are two membership options. Please stay tuned for recurring payment set-up.

$75 monthly for the shared work space and meditation sittings.
$20 monthly for meditation sittings.

Drop-ins are welcome.

Create and participate in community classes and events. What can you teach, share, facilitate, perform, show us? What would you like us to create?

We invite class instructors to offer discounts to members. For instance, when I teach an evening class, folks with either type of membership are included.

We plan to offer the space free of charge to class instructors and community events.

Rent CUB for your holiday party or private event.

Read more on our website here.

Upcoming Events

November 6
Sitting Meditation w/Renee 8:15-8:45 am (continuing every Wednesday) SOFT OPENING

November 8
Sitting Meditation w/Renee 8:15-8:45 am (continuing every Friday)

November 10
Opening Celebration 5-6:15 pm ~ Despacho Ceremony with Jennifer Sadhana. despachoCommunity invited. This is a beautiful ceremony where we make a mandala of flowers to offer intentions and blessings for the new space.

November 15
Open House & Happy Hour 4-7 pm

November 16
Introduction to Meditation 10:30 am-noon

November 17
Sunday Practice time TBD continuing every Sunday with rotating facilitation.

November 19
Exploring Meditation 5:30-6:30. An ongoing exploratory Tuesday night series.

Welcoming suggestions and requests. This is community space—mine, yours, everyone’s. Excited for the mess, the figuring out, the challenges, the beauty, and the surprises.