Sweet Potato Desserts

Sweet Potato Desserts

I’ve been making Sweet Potato Pie for dinner parties lately, and no one knows they are sugar, gluten, and dairy-free!   There are no  secrets here~just high quality organic roasted sweet potatoes and coconut milk. You can just eat the roasted potatoes or pudding...
Beans, Legumes, Peas, Lentils, Dal, Pulses…

Beans, Legumes, Peas, Lentils, Dal, Pulses…

Call them whatever you like.  They are healthy, tasty, and easier to prepare than you think.  I love bringing them home and spilling them all over the counter into glass containers, pretending I am Cinderella.  She gets a prince finally, right? Beans are high in...
Making Chicken Bone Marrow Broth

Making Chicken Bone Marrow Broth

I’m a little obsessive about making what traditional Chinese nutrition calls “Longevity Soup.”  According to Paul Pitchford in “Healing with Whole Foods” (3rd Ed. 2002), there are three Super Foods on the planet~mothers’ milk, royal jelly from bees, and bone marrow...

November Blessings

November is a mixed bag when you live in McCall.  The days lean to grayness and business slows waaay down.  I get to rest a little and practice nonattachment with my bank account balance. This year, November decided to surprise me. First, the Community Spiritual Muse...